Maili Costa

Ketogenic/Carnivore Nutrition & Circadian Health Coach

Inked Hand-Drawn Half Circle Lined Starburst

Foundations forHealth

Low Carb Nutrition & Circadian Lifestyle Strategies

to Help You Reach Your Health & Weight Loss Goals!

Weight Loss

Digestive Support

Natural Hormone & Blood Sugar Balance

Restorative Sleep

Athletic Recovery

Do you have difficulty maintaining or losing weight? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything but are still gaining weight?

Do you experience gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea?

Do you have food cravings? Need to snack? Have trouble determining how much you should be eating? Do you never feel full or get full too quickly?

Do have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do you feel “tired but wired” at bedtime?

Do you wake up groggy no matter how much sleep you got?

Do you experience afternoon energy crashes?

Do you NEED caffeine or naps to get through the day?

If any of this sounds like you, and you’re ready to make a lasting change, let’s work together to help you reach your goals!

My Approach to Health & Healing

Circadian Lifestyle

Seasonal Nutrition

Quantum Health

Our bodies function on a 24 hr clock determined by the natural cycles of sunlight & darkness each day. I work with my clients to help them understand and adopt specific lifestyle changes that help build a strong Circadian Rhythm, the foundation upon which we are able to begin naturally balancing & regulating hormones, stress, mood, digestion, sleep, immune health & weight.

One of the most nutrient dense and effective ways of eating for optimizing health, is an ancestral/animal based diet approach. I help my clients find their personal baseline diet using low carb strategies, making adjustments as needed, to help meet individual needs & goals.

Quantum health takes the principles of quantum physics and applies them to biology. Through the use of applied quantum biology stratgies, such as sunlight exposure, grounding, red light, sauna & cold exposure therapy, we can enhance the function of our bodies at the cellular level. I help my clients implement these strategies and more in ways that are appropriate to the individual.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is a byproduct of HEALTH! If you’re struggling to lose weight, I can help you learn how to establish a foundation of health by building a strong circadian rhythm, figuring out your personal baseline diet, resetting Leptin signaling and creating an appropriate movement/exercise routine. Your foundation is key in sustainable weight loss. Once this has been established we can move into the strategic use of specific “tools” that can help aid in losing extra body fat while maintaining, or building, lean muscle.

Restorative Sleep

High quality, truly restorative sleep is something the majority of us struggle with. Poor sleep can lead to chronic stress, hormone imbalance, mood issues, weight gain, blood sugar & insulin dysregulation, illness & disease. My approach to restorative sleep is multi-faceted but actually begins in the morning! I teach my clients lifestyle strategies to help you fall asleep, sleep through the night and wake up refreshed!

Digestive Support

My own life long struggles with chronic digestive illness led me to spend decades seeking effective strategies for healing and improving gut health. A properly functioning digestive system is crucial for optimal health but can be extremely tricky to figure out if you’re suffering from issues such as IBS, SIBO, chronic constipation, gas & bloating, I teach my clients foundational strategies that can help heal and strengthen your digestive system.

Natural Hormone & Blood Sugar Balance

Maintaining balanced hormones is becoming increasingly difficult for more and more people. Hormone imbalances can lead to a whole host of negative symptoms & health outcomes. Through a combination of lifestyle changes, Circadian practices & individualized nutrition, I teach my clients effective strategies that may help prevent or correct cortisol/melatonin imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation and leptin & insulin resistance.

Athletic Recovery

As an endurance trail runner of more than 10 yrs, with extensive training & racing experience, I became all too familiar with the lack of proper recovery that is prevalent in endurance sports, often leading to over training, adrenal fatigue & burnout. Most think of recovery from exercise as simply consisting of rest & nutrition. My Circadian Recovery Protocol incorporates strategies that take rest & nutrition to the next level! If you’re looking to protect your health while enhancing your performance potential, I will teach you ways to optimize your recovery with the strategic & therapeutic use of sunlight, cold exposure, red light therapy, sauna, grounding & nutrition specific to your needs and goals.


15 Min Discovery Call - Free

30 Min Consult Call - $45

60 Min Consult Call - $75

Customized, Self-Guided Circadian Nutrition & Lifestyle Plan - $229

  • 30 min Consult
  • Individualized Nutrition Plan
  • Circadian Health Plan
  • Foods List

30 Day Coached Circadian Nutrition & Lifestyle Package - $329

  • 60 min Initial Consult
  • Individualized Nutrition Plan
  • Circadian Metabolic Reset Guide
  • Foods List
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • Weekly 30 min Check-in Calls

Ongoing Monthly Coaching - $149/mo

(available after purchase of the 30 Day Coaching Package)

  • Weekly 30 min Check-In Calls
  • Unlimited Email Support

*Sign up for 3 months and get the 3rd month 1/2 off - $554


Circadian Metabolic Reset Guide


Begin your journey to metabolic health by learning ways to naturally balance hormones (including Cortisol & Melatonin, Leptin & Insulin), regulate blood sugar, improve sleep & mood, enhance energy and start losing weight with this beginners guide to Circadian Health & Seasonal Eating!

The Circadian Metabolic Reset Guide will teach you the basics of

  • A strong Circadian Rhythm & why it’s foundational for health & healing
  • Leptin signaling & why we need it for weight management
  • How to manage Blood Sugar & Insulin
  • Why a balanced Cortisol/Melatonin pattern is essential for sleep, stress & mood
  • Seasonal Eating & why it matters for optimal health
  • Quantum Therapeutic Modalities & how to begin using them

Circadian Keto/Carnivore Beginner’s Guide - Coming Soon!

About Me

Hi, I’m Maili! A little about me… I’ve been married to my husband for more than 20 years, I’m mom to two kids ages 20 & 15 and furmom to 3 rescue pups and 1 rescue kitty. I’ve been an avid ultra trail runner and running coach for over a decade and have run & raced distances from 5k - 100 miles,. I moved to the mountains of CA, after having lived my whole life in the Bay Area, fulfilling a long-time dream of living closer to nature..

My health journey began more than 20 years ago when I started trying to find natural ways to alleviate gut issues I had struggled with since childhood. In my early 20s I received education in holistic health & nutrition as well as a certification in massage therapy, each of which inspired both curiosity and a passion for “alternative” strategies for health & healing. At the time, and for many years, I focused mainly on diet, primarily plant based.

Unfortunately my gut issues persisted despite my education and plant based diet, and after the birth of my first child I began experiencing severe symptoms of hypothyroidism, for which I sought help from my conventional doctor. Unfortunately, I was promptly dismissed and told to “just keep moving.” I would later learn that my experience was not unique.

I spent the next several years seeking a “cure” for all of my symptoms, going through what felt like a revolving door of health practitioners. I saw conventional MDs, Functional MDs, NDs, acupuncturists, Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioners, pretty much every kind of practitioner you can think of! I spent thousands of dollars on supplements, cleanses, detoxes, various treatments & protocols all of which provided only periods of short term relief, with some actually making my symptoms worse.

About 10 years into my journey I made a radical change to my diet, switching from high carb, plant based to an animal foods based, ketogenic diet. This diet change provided tremendous improvement to many of my symptoms and I was certain I had found the answer to my health woes.

I spent the next 10 years experimenting with various versions of low carb diets, as well as informally coaching family and friends with this way of eating. The results I, and so many others, experienced were so beneficial that I decided to begin officially coaching and became keto & carnivore nutrition certified.

Unfortunately, as much as eating low carb, keto and even carnivore at times, had helped improve my symptoms, and the health of those I was coaching, I found myself continuing to experience flare-ups of my digestive issues and hypothyroid symptoms.

It wasn’t until I stumbled across Circadian Health, and Quantum Biology principles, that my health truly began to turn the corner towards lasting wellness. I immediately began implementing a circadian protocol and incorporating quantum biology principles into my lifestyle. Within days my sleep had dramatically improved, within weeks my gut began functioning normally, and after 4 months of consistent practice, an ultrasound revealed my thyroid swelling and thyroid nodule had vanished! My hypothyroid symptoms were drastically improving, and I started losing weight that I had gained (seemingly out of nowhere) several months prior, despite my low carb diet and rigorous trail running training.

The principles of Quantum Biology, and resetting my circadian rhythm, quite literally changed my life! It quickly became clear that the next logical step for me was to add a certification in Applied Quantum Biology to my nutrition coaching practice, so that I could begin using this incredible knowledge to better guide my clients in their own healing journeys.

My goal as a health & nutrition coach is to help as many people as I can to experience true & lasting wellness. I firmly believe we are all capable of healing, and that with the right tools and guidance, optimal health is within reach!


Q: What are Keto, Ketovore & Carnivore Diets and how can I benefit from them?

A: Keto, Ketovore & Carnivore Diets are all low carb (or zero carb) ways of eating.

Therapeutic Ketogenic Diets are a very precise application of a Keto diet, often used to control chronic illnesses such as epileptic seizures (which is what the diet was originally designed for) and autoimmune disease, but also acute illness such as as cancer. Therapeutic Diets are typically high fat, moderate protein, low carb.

“Keto”diets, which are most often referred to, are used primarily for weight loss. Though it can be designed to suit anyone’s goals

“Ketovore” is a term made popular by Neisha Salas Berry and refers to a diet that is close to Carnivore but still includes some plant foods such as coffee, tea, spices, & non-sugar sweeteners. This is a very low carb, higher protein, adequate fat way of eating.

Carnivore diets are 100% animal based foods, zero plant foods. There are many ways to design a carnivore diet that is dependent on the indiividual’s history, current health, preferences & goals.

All low carb diets should be designed to suit the needs/goals of the individual. There is no “one size fits all” that will work for everyone all the time.

Q: What is PSMF?

A: PSMF stands for Protein Sparing Modified Fast. This is a diet that was originally created in the 1970s as an intensive weight loss diet that wouldn’t cause muscle wasting (loss), it would “spare” the muscles. Patients were put on a very low carb, high protein, very low fat diet program until they had reached the desired weight. This approach was used very successfully on obese patients but abandoned due to lack of education at the time on the follow up use of low carb diets in order to maintain the weight loss.

However, current applications of a PSMF diet is not as intense as the original. The way I use PSMF diets with clients is a much more gentle approach but just as effective. One must first be fat (keto) adapted, which can take weeks to months. Then PSMF days are incorporated into the week, never on consecutive days and no more than 3 days/determined. PSMF days are typically very low to no carb, high in lean protein and low in fat. PSMF is NOT a lifestyle. It is a TOOL to be used occasionally for accelerated fat loss or as part of a maintenance protocol.

Q: Can you help me lose weight?

A: One of the main reasons clients come to me is for weight loss. The first thing I teach is that we never want generic “weight” loss but FAT loss. In order to achieve fat loss, a baseline of HEALTH must be established. Fat loss, or body recomposition, is a byproduct of health, not the other way around. So yes, I can help with “weight” loss and most people will see their bodies change, but I do not offer quick fixes. Sustainable “weight” loss takes time… for some it will be fast and for others it can take awhile. But with consistency and true lifestyle changes, it will happen!

Q: What if I gain weight on carnivore or keto?

A: Typically when a person GAINS weight on carnivore or keto it means that their body is in a healing process. There can be several reasons for this but it is almost always temporary! This is why working with a coach is so valuable. We work together to trouble shoot and make adjustments to make sure your diet is correct for YOU, and this is something that can (and will) change depending on where you are on your journey.

Q: What is Circadian Health and why does it matter?

A: Circadian Health s based in the understanding that we are l beings driven by LIGHT. Our Circadian Rhythm is a roughly 24hr clock by which every system in our bodies run. This clock is determined by the natural cycles of light & dark of the day & night. Our eyes (& skin) are able to determine the time of day by the wavelengths of light that are present. When we are exposed to natural light from the sun throughout the day, the body knows what to do & when to do it. This includes everything from hormone production to digestion, to mood, sleep & vital repair processes. Conversely, when are exposed to artificial light at the wrong times of day the body is given the wrong signaling which causes confusion on what it should be doing at that time. Our Circadian Rhythm impacts everything from our weight, sleep qaulaity, mood, energy levels and immune function.

Q: What is Applied Quantum Biology?

A: Applied Quantum Biology takes the concepts of Quantum Physics (atomomic level) and applies it to biology (the study of living things). As Carrie Bennett explains “ It is an emerging field of health that goes beyond biochemistry - the chemical processes happening in your body - to look at your body on an even smaller scale of health. It’s concerned with the protons, neutrons and electrons that make up all of your body’s molecules, cells, organs and everything else and how they influence health or disease.”

Client Testimonials…

”When I first met Maili, I was having some stomach pain and after many tests, no doctor could figure out the problem nor how to make it better. Maili created a diet for me that improved my condition immensely and eventually the pain went away. After that, any health problem that I have that I know can be resolved with a specific diet, Maili is the first person I contact for help. Every time I contact her, she patiently listens to me and my concerns and creates a personalized plan. I feel very fortunate to have found her!”

-Simone P

“Maili is one of my most trusted resources when it comes to taking care of my body. Through her educational studies, and her lifestyle of being an endurance runner, as well as a running coach, she has gained a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the human body. She promotes natural medicine/self healing.

She has a vast understanding of proper diet, gut health, hormonal health, etc.

She is a naturalist and understands the importance of the mind and the body being in tune with nature.

she continues to educate herself, improving her vast array of knowledge in hopes of helping others.

I wholeheartedly trust anything Maili tells me, as well as any products she recommends”

-Steve P

“My husband had been telling the doctor for several years that he wasn’t feeling well, yet it took an emergency situation before he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, with an A1c at 12.6. Maili, having in-depth knowledge and being an exceptional coach provided guidance and recommended immediate changes to his diet. She is a TRUE life saver! We changed to the keto diet she recommended, eliminating foods that unknowingly contributed to the diabetes. Within 3 months my husband got his A1c down to 6.3, and he has kept his diabetes managed and under control without medication. His doctor couldn’t believe his turn-around and didn’t think it was possible. Thanks to Maili my husband restored his health and to my surprise eating this way also provided me with an unexpected miracle - I started to lose weight that I had tried to lose for many years. I lost 42lbs and have been able to keep it off! The encouragement and motivation she gives is amazing.”

-K. Hall

“Maili is my wife, and in 2019 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in my tonsil & a lymph node, she helped me with diet as support to my cancer treatment. I had made the decision to do integrative treatment. I opted for surgery and then went to Germany for “alternative” treatment to avoid the potential harmful side effects of radiation therapy. Right after my diagnosis Maili put me on a therapeutic ketogenic diet which was something totally new for me. I love sugar and always just ate whatever. The diet was very high in fat, super low carb and moderate protein. When I got to the clinic in Germany they asked about my diet and when I told them the way my wife was having me eat, they said Oh perfect! We don’t even need to counsel you on that part. Thankfully I have been cancer free for more than 3 years now, and while the diet wasn’t the thing that cured me it was certainly supportive to my body (my surgeon told me to just get calories in even if I just ate hamburgers, milk shakes and other junk food!) and a big part of my recovery.”

-D. Costa

Products I Use & Love

VivaRays Blue Blocking Glasses - Use Code MAIS10

Clara & Fritz Tallow Cream - Use Code MAIS10

Queen of Thrones Castor Oil & Packs

Equip Foods (my favorite protein powder!) Use Code MAISRUNS

LMNT Electeolytes

For Questions

or to Schedule a Consult

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Info & Inspo

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Maili Costa is not a medical professional, and does provide medical advice, medical diagnoses, or medical treatment of any kind. Maili Costa’s Health Coaching services do not attempt to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease, illness, mental/emotional or physical issue. Any persons seeking medical advice, diagnoses, treatments, prevention or cure of any health condition, should seek the advice and care from a qualified medical professional. Any persons seeking health coaching from Maili Costa should consult with their trusted medical professional before making any changes to diet, nutritional supplements, medications or physical activity or before starting any new protocols, programs or plans pertaining to the mental or physical health of the individual. Any and all information provided on this website as well as any and all of Maili Costa’s social media accounts, or through health coaching with Maili Costa via coaching consultations and/or information conveyed through email, text messages, phone calls, video calls, or any and all written materials is for informational or entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice or to substitute for medical advice or care from a qualified medical professional.

Affiliate Disclaimer:

Maili Costa is affiliated with certain companies that may be listed on this website, and she may receive a monetary commission or product compensation from sales made through her personal codes or links.